Saturday, May 19, 2012


Although I've been away for sometime, I've been trying to keep busy and increase my productivity to  motivate for a better life.  I finally finished The Cristina Project however, I'm not too satisfied on the final project, therefore I will try again to make it what I expect it to be.

While envisioning my second attempt to Cristina's Kindle Cover, I started Jeanette's (my cousin/sister from another mother) cover. With this kindle cover I wanted to make it more versatile.  When I think of Jeanette I think of sports and outdoorsy. I started with a soft blue yarn.  I chose a double crochet pattern to practice more the basic patterns of crocheting.  In my attempt to Jeanetify it, I added a lime green bamboo cord as the border.  I made sure the measurements and pattern were consistent with my vision.


Before and After.

 In my mission for self-improvement I bought a couple of more books to keep me focused and determined.  Inspired by Gretchen Rubin and friends.  

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