Wednesday, May 9, 2012


I finally finished The Happiness Project by Gretchen Rubin.  This book has given me the motivation to believe in self-improvement.  I've been surrounded with people who fail to reach their full potential because they settle to what they THINK is their luck.  You have to try or you will never know what you're capable of.  I strongly believe a person can be whatever they put their minds too.  I've heard stories that have left me appreciating the things I have without for one second, discontinuing my pursuit to greatness.  I've been blessed to see some parts of the world and I've grown hungry to just seek more wisdom.

Reading this book was a stepping stone in realizing that I am meant for something great.  At that moment when I finished the book, I told myself that this is the beginning of my own Happiness project.  Towards the end of the book and of course throughout the book you see how much people in this world go through similar situation and search for happiness, satisfaction and/or self-fulfillment.  I believe that we all need to look life in the eye and say I am ready to overcome the challenges. 

I am ready to be happy or at least content in my own skin and life. 

In effort of having more control of my life, I've started attempting to eat healthier or at least incorporate more healthier foods in my daily diet.  Let me tell you, that's not easy, especially when I have to consider not losing the weight I already have (up coming blog healthy vs. Junk). I started writing down everything I've been eating throughout the day and researching the approximate amount of calories, protein and carbs it obtains.  

Based on my Google research, I've calculated  my Basal Metabolic rate ("The Basal Metabolic Rate (or BMR) is this background rate of energy consumption, just to keep your breathing, circulation and metabolism ticking over"), which is 1414.  I then Calculated the calories I may burn doing various activities such as, cycling, handball, dancing and/or running.  One example I chose was dancing, which calculated 855 burned calories.  I then read that I would need to add that amount to my Basal metabolic rate to come up with the total amount of calories "I need" to maintain my weight. Now, if I want to gain I would need to add about 500 calories more to my total.  Why 500? Well, because I heard it was more effective.  From who? Beats me.  :-/ sorry.  But I am sticking to it, it seems right.  It's obviously an ongoing research. 

Yesterday I was a hot mess.  I started off with 2 boiled eggs and I did something beyond stupid.  I was given advice that in order to lower Bad Cholesterol I should drink Apple Cider Vinegar  in the Morning. Worse mistake ever considering I suffer from indigestion Uggh!!!!!!  It was nasty.

I think I may need to research a little bit more. :-) 

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