Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Crocheting it Up!!!!

Every week I think of possible activities that I can participate and really say I've done it all.  Besides my desire to travel all around the world, as i've mentioned before I am ambitious to learn it all.

I am currently working on a small crocheting project. :-D  Something I grained interest at the age 15 because of an old friend. I am still a beginner due to the long break in crocheting. However, I am still looking to become an expert as time and PRACTICE goes by.   

A sneak Peak  at my "first" crocheting project since the last time I can remember. 

This is my attempt to create a Kindle Cover for my dearest Cousin Cristina.  My perception of her personality is a big time "Fashionista".  She defines beauty in her style and of course her inner beauty is without words. I started by choosing one of her favorite colors.  PINKKKKK!!!!  Since I am no Crochet expert like my good friend Danielle.

Check it out she's amazing

The pattern I chose was as simple as a half double crochet throughout each row and a slip stitch to stitch the sides together.  Nothing too crazy.

To make it CRISTINAFIED I added a little umph to it.  Some gold to glamorize it .

Well,  the final product has yet to be finished.  Stay tune.  :-)


  1. Great job, Steph! Keep practicing :-)

  2. Oh, and thanks for the blog shout-out!

  3. No Problem. Your an inspiration. :-)

  4. Excellent! Your skills in Crocheting have tremendously increased. Good job sis! xoxo <3
