Tuesday, April 24, 2012


Touching back on the book that I feel I won't ever finish. I'm not a big reader however, I am trying so hard to be. I get distracted so easily.  Besides that, I notice a quote that hits me right in the core.
"Happiness, is neither virtue nor pleasure not this thing nor that, but simply growth.  We are happy when we are growing".
I also grasped the argument that Gretchen mentioned "it isn't goal attainment but the process of striving after goals. GROWTH".

Growth is what I am lacking to feel that I am accomplishing.  I have these high expectation for myself and I expect to grow every second I can.  I am so ambitious that I am lost in knowing where to start.  I want to figure out what I am truly destined to be doing. 

I have always had this feeling that there's not much time to find the real me.  There's so much unsuspected surprises that scare you to think that time is too short and sometimes you have to be two steps ahead to never feel behind.
Can someone be too ambitious and miss out on something great?

Is "happiness and ambition in fact really incompatible"? Something I always ask myself.  Another thing to think about.

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Crocheting it Up!!!!

Every week I think of possible activities that I can participate and really say I've done it all.  Besides my desire to travel all around the world, as i've mentioned before I am ambitious to learn it all.

I am currently working on a small crocheting project. :-D  Something I grained interest at the age 15 because of an old friend. I am still a beginner due to the long break in crocheting. However, I am still looking to become an expert as time and PRACTICE goes by.   

A sneak Peak  at my "first" crocheting project since the last time I can remember. 

This is my attempt to create a Kindle Cover for my dearest Cousin Cristina.  My perception of her personality is a big time "Fashionista".  She defines beauty in her style and of course her inner beauty is without words. I started by choosing one of her favorite colors.  PINKKKKK!!!!  Since I am no Crochet expert like my good friend Danielle.

Check it out she's amazing  


The pattern I chose was as simple as a half double crochet throughout each row and a slip stitch to stitch the sides together.  Nothing too crazy.

To make it CRISTINAFIED I added a little umph to it.  Some gold to glamorize it .

Well,  the final product has yet to be finished.  Stay tune.  :-)

Sunday, April 15, 2012

A Better Tomorrow

So many things are running through my mind that I don't even know where to begin.   I've always had that one person I've looked up to.  I don't want to say that I have followed her throughout her journey to success but, I guess if you would to see us you would probably think so. I value her outlook in life and her drive.  I figure, why not surround yourself with people who strive for a better tomorrow.   

I've always had this crave to know and learn as much I can so that I can be the best that I can.  Sometimes I've set expectation for myself that I know can be overwhelming, but then again why not reach the impossible.  I'm just at a point that I am trying to find my own identity and separate the influences and become my own influence.

I am determined to try everything that pops into my mind. Suggestions are highly appreciated.



On another note, yesterday I cycled 18 miles and played three handball games.  It felt great.  The weather and the company (my sister from another mother) made my day.  Although I had a moment and released a couple of tears I am still blessed and looking forward to a better tomorrow.

Friday, April 13, 2012

A Greater ME!!!

In my journey for a greater me I've been consistently figuring out what I need to do to get there.  I started reading a book called The Happiness Project by Gretchen Rubin. 

The author speaks about how she started doing different things and taking different approaches in her life.  I have been struggling for the past couple of years with knowing who I am.  Inspired by my travel experiences and inspirational books, I thought that maybe I should start my journey in doing different things.  I have a hard time expressing myself but sometimes I say to much, it's like an oxymoron with me.

Well, the point of why I've started a blog is while reading this book Gretchen mentioned an idea that one of her friends (one of the characters in the book) suggested that caught my attention and motivated me to possibly try it.  That is, starting a BLOG.  Whether I have followers or not, I will try to keep up with one of my attempts of trying something new. Here it goes.

I am a Hispanic Female in my mid 20's born and raised in New York.  I've been through a few life changing experiences and I've manage to lose myself in the mix of all the world's madness.  I've planned many goals and am trying to see what really makes me happy.  Throughout my blogs I hope to learn more about myself and others.  So Y'all are all welcome to share.

I will be back to follow up with my journey to greatness.